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Talent Development & Advanced Academics

At Kenwood, our elementary programs offer four levels of service for academic talent development:

Level I: All students are exposed to areas of interest and opportunities to develop unique talents. Enrichment of core curriculum through field trips, guest speakers, art residencies, and differentiated small group instruction.

Level II: All students may choose to participate in more in depth, interest-driven opportunities such as Chess Club, Spanish, French, Math Club, Lego Robotics, ALC classes after school, and MathMasters.

Level III: Academic challenge for advanced learners in the classroom. Advanced differentiation in math, science, social studies, reading, and writing; clustering with other advanced learners in the regular classroom; matched with a teacher trained in Advanced Learner Education. 90 minutes of literacy enrichment each week in grades 3-5. Telescoped Math, accelerated math instruction, is available to qualified students in grades 4 and 5. 

Level IV: Acceleration for highly advanced learners. Evaluation for full grade acceleration using Iowa Acceleration Scales; acceleration for exceptional ability in mathematics through advanced math pathways.

For more information, visit the MPS website.

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