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Green Team

Kenwood's Green Team is busy all year long! Find out how you can become involved, no gardening experience necessary.

Helping Children Grow Since 2010

Kenwood students and families planted our school garden in 2010. Since then many students and volunteers have helped to care for the plants throughout the year. Our Green Team is a parent-led group. We are always looking for volunteers to help with planting, weeding, watering, tending and harvesting! 
Please email PTA Volunteer Amy Sanborn with questions or to get involved.
School Forest

Green Team Projects

Kenwood School Gardens: The Green Team coordinates the beautiful school garden on the south side of the building. There is also a pollinator garden on the north side. We work with volunteers to get kids in the gardens planting, weeding, harvesting and tasting. 
Stone Poem Rain Garden: Art, Poetry, Storm Water Mitigation garden comprised of many beautiful native plants. This is a lovely spot for students to explore, relax and reflect outdoors. Volunteers mulch, weed and maintain this garden on the south side of the playground.
DNR School Forest: In partnership with the Minnesota DNR, Cedar Lake Park Association, Minneapolis Park and Rec Board and MPS School Board, Kenwood School established a DNR School Forest in 2019. The Green Team supports Kenwood teachers in utilizing the forest. Volunteers lead hikes with students and help with the Oriole Feeding installation in the spring (usually May).
Plant Sale: Kenwood holds an annual plant sale in May coordinated by Kenwood staff and the Green Team. Volunteers help to promote, set up, process and pack orders, and manage the onsite plant sale. 
Tree Stewardship: In partnership with the City of Minneapolis Forestry Department, the Green Team works to ensure the health of the playground trees and plan for tree succession/replacement as needed.
Outdoor Classroom: We are currently raising money for our outdoor classroom. Details to come!